Yes, you read that correctly...homemade crock pot yogurt. Cheap, easy, and oh so yummy! Now, while I wish I could claim this recipe as my own...I can't! I found it here: A Year of Slow can read all about it there...or you can keep reading here. Your choice! why homemade yogurt? Well, we go through a lot of yogurt here. Normally it is the Trix Yogurt or the Go-gurts...but that is so expensive (and full of sugar!!!!!)! A 6-pack (4 oz each) costs roughly $2.85 at the commissary or $3.29 at Albertsons.
With homemade yogurt you can decide how much sugar or sweetener you want to put in it (if any at all). There are also no preservatives, you decide your fat content, and it is fun to make!
If you do a You Tube search and find many different ways to make your own yogurt at home. And there are yogurt making machines on the market that can help...but you may already have what you need at home...and all the times are "multi-purpose". Why spend money on something that can only be used for one thing?
So, let's get started! You need the following items:
1 crock pot
1/2 gallon of milk (more on types in a moment)
1/2 cup of plain yogurt with live cultures
1 or 2 thick bath towles
1pkg unflavored Knox gelatin (optional)
1 cup sugar (optional)
1 Measuring cup
1 Whisk or Spoon
1 Mixing bowl
Container(s) to pour yogurt in...I recycled my pint mason jars.
***Warning*** This does take a while! You can either start it early in the morning and finish it up right before bed time, or start it later in the day and letting the final step go over night.
Step 1) start by pouring the 1/2 gallon of milk into the crock pot and turn the crock pot onto LOW. Make sure it is low. I accidentally turned it on High once and it scorched my milk...yuck!!!! Put the lid on and let it "cook" for 2 1/2 hours.
Step 2) Unplug or turn off the crock pot and let sit for 3 hours. I think it is best if you don't get tempted to look into the crock pot. Just leave the lid on. All you have right now is warm milk...nothing else!
Step 3) Take lid off crock pot and stir the warm milk. Measure out 2 cups of warm milk and pour into a glass bowl. Add 1/2 cup of plain yogurt and mix well. Pour the milk/yogurt mixture back into the crock pot with the remaining warm milk and stir well. Now, if you decide that you want a thicker yogurt this is when you mix in your Knox gelatin. Caution....mix it slowly and well....otherwise you can end up with a gelatinous mess.
Step 4) Replace crock pot lid. Cover/wrap the crock pot with a bath towels. Let sit for 8 hours or over night.
Step 5) Stir up your yogurt and remove 1/2 a cup of fresh yogurt and set aside. This will be your starer for the next time you start a batch
Step 6) Pour your yogurt into your containers and refrigerate! If you find that you would like your yogurt sweeter...add the sugar while stirring it up.
This is so Yummy! My kids eat it like crazy. While it is good for 7 to 10 days in the refrigerator...ours does not last this long. I make 2 batches a week! This week we picked up frozen fruit to blend in and make smoothies. They are in heaven. They don't ask for the frozen Go-gurt we have...they ask if I have any home-made stuff.
Now, for the milk...I use lactose free milk. This is typically all we get because 1/2 the household is lactose intolerant. I have read of people using soy milk, rice milk, etc and having wonderful results. Also, the fat content is going to determine how thick your yogurt will be. The higher the fat content the thicker it is. I use 2% or Fat Free...this is why I had the Knox gelatin. One package of Knox gelatin makes mine the consistince of Dannon Danimals Smoothies.
Now for some math....remember how much the Trix yogurt cost? $3.29 for 24 ounces or $0.13/ounce. If you go plain it is approximately $5.79 for 64 ounces of plain yogurt or .$0.09/ounce., 1/2 gallon of regular 2% milk costs approximately $2.30 (which is equal to 64 oz), Knox gelatin (if used) is about $2.39 for a box of 4. If you use one then it will be $0.59. For your first batch of yogurt it will be about $0.50...after that you don't have to buy any more starter. So, add together what you use...and it is about $3.39 per batch of homemade yogurt (that is if you use the Knox gelatin)...or $0.05/per ounce! Now, if you choose organic, rice, soy, lactose free, etc. it is going to cost more.
This is great for families that receive is a fun, nutritious way to get calcium into you child. I know at times your child may not want as much milk some days and you end up throwing some out. This can help prevent waste too! Your child can help make it, help flavor it when you make it into a smoothie...or even just hand it to them in a cup and let them drink up!
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