"Whether you live in the country or the city, if you are allowed to put up a clothesline, we would highly recommend it. Not only will you save money, but also your clothes will smell fresh and you just might enjoy the tranquility of hanging out the clothes!"
Catherine Pulsifer

Saturday, October 2, 2010

3 - 2 - 1...LET IT RIP!!!!!!!

Today Jim and I held a Beyblade party courtesy of House Party.  For those of you who do not know what House Party is...this is the low down....

House Party teams up with sponsors to create special events to share and promote a variety of interests.   From an early viewing of the hottest new television show to special interests to toys to movies...House Party does it all!  After you sign up for House Party you can then opt to apply for parties of your choice.  After filling out a brief application you just wait to see if you are chosen to be a host/hostess!  If you are chosen you receive a box of "goodies" before your party date.  The items in your "party box" are related to your party and help make it a blast!  The online website allows you to share your ideas of how to make it a great party, send invites, and get ideas on what else you can do.  And best of all...It's FREE!!!!!  No catch, no deposits, no "if you want to host this party you have to send in a deposit."  FREE, FREE, FREE!!!!!

Okay...so I was chosen to be a hostess for a Beyblade party!  When we recieved our party box we were excited!  We opened our box and this is what we found:

5 Metal Fusion Beyblades
1 Beyblade Battle Arena
15 Music CD's with Beyblade rap song (kinda cool sounding!)
12 Posters of the newest Beyblades
15 $1 off Coupons to pass out to party guests to purchase their own Beyblade
1 Rule book
1 Preview disk that gave the low down on Beyblade and the cartoon it is linked to!

I estimate the retail value of this box around $150 to $200!  After all the Beyblades cost $9.97/each at Walmart.com.  The Battle Arena is $9.97 at Walmart.com...although when I was at Target these items were $7.99 and $19.99 respectively.  Add the cost of a music cd, posters, etc...yeah...a NICE box!!!!

So, we invited several of the kids school friends to come and battle it out.  We had 4 of my kids, the triplets, and my youngest daughters friend.  For over an hour they took turns launching the Beyblades and hoping that the one they chose was the last to "fall."  We played 2 rounds and the winners of the rounds would battle it out in the very end....here were our 2 finalists:

And the winner was!!!!!
Little Miss Thing here got to take home her very own Beyblade!  She was so excited!

Then it was cake time.  We custom ordered the cake through Albertsons, picked up some veggies, crackers, and soda.  Made some Koolaid, sliced up the veggies, some cheese, some ham...and had a blast!
After we were officially done with the party the kids all sat around, taking turns, and continuing to battle it out in the arena just for fun...while waiting for Mom to pick everyone up.

It was a fun day for all of us.  And thanks to House Party I was able to give moms and dads a short break, 8 kids a fun filled afternoon that they are sure to talk about at school on Monday...all without breaking my own bank!!!!

If you want more information on how to host your own House Party check them out here at House Party.com.  I am waiting to see if I hear from them on several other parties that I have applied for!  I hope I am selected again!  It has been a BLAST!!!!!!

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