"Whether you live in the country or the city, if you are allowed to put up a clothesline, we would highly recommend it. Not only will you save money, but also your clothes will smell fresh and you just might enjoy the tranquility of hanging out the clothes!"
Catherine Pulsifer

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Growth Spurts

Having 5 growing children = quickly outgrown clothes.  ~Sigh~  You just went out and updated all the clothes they outgrew last season and a month or so later they need bigger clothes!  What is a mom to do?  And what the heck do you do with the now too small clothes?

Well, was recently introduce to a neat new website called thredUP.  (A special thanks to Amber of Learning Motherhood) This site allows you to search for boxes of clothing that suit you needs and allows you to create boxes of your old stuff to get rid of.

How does it work?  It's like this...first you gotta sign up.  You do that here:  ThredUp.  When you sign up you are allotted a certain number of picks based on some of your information.  For example...military families are given a free extra pick a month.  In my case...I am allotted 4 picks a month.  I can now go onto thredUP and search boxes and pick 4 boxes.  (it does get a little confusing).  Now, technically for every box I pick I have to post a box and "give it away"  (so to speak).

I guess the best way to put it...you are swapping boxes and for every one box you take you gotta give one box;  attempting to keep your "swap balance" at a 0.  I think their site can explain it better...Anyway....

Okay start searching boxes.  You can input information like boy or girl, sizes (from newborn to 20 & no size), seasons, types (tops, bottoms, mixture of both), and specialty (girl scouts, boy scouts, ballet...etc.)  When you find a box you would like you get to "purchase it."  You add it to your cart and you check out.  The cost?  It is standard across the board.  You pay $5 + Shipping.  EVERYONE ships Priority Flat Rate box.  I do believe that it is the $10.70

So, my first box...the description was basic.  Size 12 months pants, coveralls, and 2 shirts.  I picked this box because my 5 month old was in desperate need for pants.  Now at Walmart 1 pair of brand new pants is $8...I know this because I just purchased him 2 pair...so total of $16 + tax.

Okay...back to my box. When I received it inside was something like 3 pairs of pants, 2 sets of coveralls, 1 sweatsuit outfit, and 2 flannel shirts (which also cost $8 at Walmart BTW).  And the clothes are in EXCELLENT condition!!!!

My next box should be here late this week/early next week.  It will have 5 complete outfits and 2 extra shirts for my son!!!!  Some well known name brands, some "lesser" brands...but all good clothes.  I can't wait to see them.  I also ordered a "custom box" for my oldest daughter.  She requested a pair of "footy" pajamas.  However, Target was already out of her size.  Now, while this is the only item in the box....the pajamas are NWT (new with tags) and originally cost $25!  Not a bad deal I think!

So, what have I "offered"?  Well, my first box shipped out contained my oldest daughters pants she outgrew.  They were like new.  The owner received them and loved them!  I have listed some of Sean's clothes that he has outgrown...but since they are all summer and mostly onsies, I'm having trouble "giving them away" since it is a popular size.

Okay, I hear you asking...how can you guarantee that you aren't going to get a c**py box...something full of junk you can't use?  Well, that is where the reviews come in.  The receiver has the option of rating the box 1 to 4 stars.  One meaning the box was totally useless and 4 meaning that the box was as promised...no stains, rips, tears, missing buttons, etc.  Then comes the "stylies"; this allows you to rate how the box fits your lifestyle.  They range from 1 to 10.  If the box is perfect, you will wear everything it in...you give a high rate.  If it is something that just isn't your style and you aren't sure it will stay in your closet long...you give it a lower rate.  But, before you go and give a box a low score...contact the sender.  Many (if not all) of the threUpers value their high ratings.  Many are willing to work with you to help you get that perfect box.

ThredUp also has a Facebook page.  Check them out at http://www.facebook.com/#!/thredup.  There you can sometimes find pictures of what is in the box, ask questions, place "special" requests, and a whole lot more!

So, check them up!  Trust me!  It's worth it!!!!

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