This is my first post I figured why not start at the beginning?
Let's see...I am a stay-at-home mom of 5 beautiful children. At this time they are 14, 12, 9, 5, and 3 months. My husband is retired Navy. No, I did not have the blessing of going through his career with him...but I have been a Navy wife. My first husband was in the Navy. My family saw West Virginia, Virginia, Washington, California, and Hawaii. So, we have been around a little...very little compared to some military families!
We live in Sunny Southern San Diego County...more precisely...Escondido. My husband has been here for a little while now. My older 4 kids and I came here to be with him about 2 1/2 years ago. We have collected quite the zoo since getting here. When we moved in my husband had a single dog...Jack the Great Dane. We brought with us 2 cats. Shortly after that we adopted a couple of cockatiles. Then after that we rescued another kitten and he kinda stuck around. THEN someone had a soft spot (and obviously not myself!) and allowed the children to adopt 3 rabbits and a guinea pig. Quite the zoo huh? Then tragedy of the cockaitels escaped while the cage was being moved. Two weeks after that Jack became so sick from end-stage cancer that we felt we needed to put him down. A week after that we adopted Cocoa...another great dane.
Well, how did we get to where we are now wanting to live cheaper...and greener? Baby #5 came along. With 9 pets, 5 children, 2 adults, mortgage, bills, etc...we needed to start saving money somewhere. So my husband and I deciding that we actually wanted to cloth diaper the baby... saving us $$. We explored the options and thanks to gDiapers we decided to give it a go. And from there we have gone onto pre-folds and pocket diapers.
So, if we are going to cloth diaper to save money (and be green) why stop there? From there we decided to make our own baby wipes, then our own detergent, start a compost bin...and we are going on and on!
It is a learning process for us and we still have a LONG way to go. So, here starts our journey...the beginning....
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